your smile is special!

Today, after going to the bank for saving my money, I decided to visit Warung Kecil, one of small restaurant in Sanur area, my favorite place to escape every time i need to enjoy my me time, besides, this space is owned by my friend, so that i can talk while eating with her. unfortunately, today i couldn't meet my friend, since she had something to do, so she had to leave her space.

. i decided to have panini and mango berry juice today, while waiting for my meal came, i chose my favorite place to sit, it's in front of the door, and this morning there is a man, he is an architect from German, came for having his breakfast, he smiled and i smiled at him, he wanted to order some Indonesian food, but the waitress still at the kitchen helped her friend prepared my meal. then i decided to call her in the kitchen, he got his meal earlier then me, since it's already prepared then, u just need to request what u want to eat. we smiled to each other, i don't know why, hihi... and finally my meal n juice came.

this man had finished his meal and decided to take a seat outside and ordered coffee. i saw him made some phone calls, and then back again inside the restaurant, he talked to the waitress and also one of the guest, she's also a foreigner, and this man told me that my smile brought lucky to his life today, believe it or not, he got some business appointments and  found that his visa n passport will be ready in four weeks.

i learned a simple but meaningful thing today, that your smile can mean a lot for other people whether u mean it or not, so that, keep smiling and u will make other people day :)


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